TONICA Natural Health Formula for Colon Cleansing
What is Living Bitters?
Living Bitters speeds up the natural cleansing of the entire system and improves intestinal absorption as it gently empties the bowels.
Aloes Capensis, Hydrastic Canadensis, Echinacea and Angostifolia.
One teaspoonful (15ml) Twice daily before meals for three weeks.
Expect signs of bowel movement about 8 to 10 hours after intake.
If frequent stool results, reduce to half dosage.
This syrup is very bitter.
Not Recommended For:
Pregnant women, lactating mothers, children under 12 years, women during heavy menstruation, those suffering from cholera and diarrhoea and those with bleeding piles.
These Statements Have Not Been Evaluated by the FDA. These Products Are Not Intended to Diagnose, Treat, Cure, or Prevent Any Disease.